May 1, 2010


For those who are curious, if I don't update today the pages owed will be at seven. My cap is eight. (That means I can't not update again until I make up for at least one of those pages, not that I stop adding missed ones to the tally. No, that would be counterproductive to my goal.)

My life continues to be complicated and distracting. There are now bigger questions than how to start a pet sitting business. Questions like, do I want to stay in Tucson for another year or move back home to Phoenix? And that kinda sorta has a MASSIVE impact on that whole small business thing. So...yeah. I realize I'm leaning towards one more than the other, but there's this whole question of whether that's what's best for me or if it's just what I want. Mmh, being an adult is complicated. Rest assured, though, that Godspawn will still update! It might help to recall that my goal is simply to reach page 109 (or update 52 times) by the end of 2010, not really to update on time, though that would be nice. Honestly, I think I may just change the update schedule to "Updates!" and continue to aim for Saturday each week.

I don't actually believe anyone really reads Godspawn. No, seriously, I don't. It's just that it pisses me off when other webcomickers don't post news updates when things are happening with the comic and so, on the off chance that anyone out there is actually reading this, I try to post news updates as often as possible. I admit, I forget sometimes but...why am I talking about this? It's 3:20am! I need to be responsible and go to bed on time for once.


  1. I just found your comic and I'm enjoying the archives, so I'm here and I'm sure there are others mos people don't comment, don't get discouraged. :D

  2. I also just found your comic and I'm impressed enough by the latest page that I will go to your first page and read my way to the present. BTW, I've been to Phoenix and Tucson. Tucson has Mt. Lemmon. Phoenix has crazy people watering their lawns. Of the 2 cities, I vote for Tucson. Of course, I have no clue what your personal situation is, but I found Tucson to be a bit more real and less pretentious, if that has any bearing on where you want to be. XD

  3. I don't think anyone's ever commented on one of my news posts before. :o You two just made my night. =D

    @Coatillion - I know, I know. Heck, I'm even one of those people that never comments when it comes to other webcomics. But sometimes I just feel so silly making news posts when there's no indication that anyone's even out there to read them.

    @Miamistax - The mountains are on the list of things I'd miss if I moved back to Phoenix. That and Tucson's quirkiness. Where else can you go where it's not at all strange for people to take their pet chickens for an outing at the park and then proceed to practice their juggling? xD
    On the other hand, I was raised in Phoenix and my family is up there. It might be nice to move back home. God knows, I'm the only kid (who's moved out) who hasn't done it yet. Some have done it twice. Two of them brought their spouses with them.
    My mom, apparently, doesn't mind this. If she had her way, we would all "live in a big compound together and we'd each have our own sections but they'd all be attached into one big house."
    ...holy shit, I just described the Vertex. Vicious and my mom are kindred spirits! =D
